Within the Circle of Confusion
SmugPup.com :: Albums
The high lonesome. It's still there. It's just that there less of it as time goes by.
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Basque Grafitti

Aspen, Utah

Flaming Gorge, Utah.

Barn and Cliff, Wyoming

Barn, Wyoming.

Silo, Wyoming

Devil's Tower, Wyoming

The Wee Van in The Woods

Attitude, South Dakota

Scenic, South Dakota

South Dakota

Stave Church, Rapid City

Interior, Stave Church, Radid City

Deadwood, South Dakota

Teddy Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

Edge of the Prairie, North Dakota

Ft. Buford, North Dakota

Gravesite, North Dakota

Yellowstone, National Park

Valley of the Yellowstone

Yellowstone, National Park

Near Livingston, Wyoming